March 4th, 2011


A couple of my friends know that I’ve been trying to live a smidge healthier of late – a little exercise, aiming for my 8 glasses of water per day, and adding some vegetables into the dietary mix. Nothing too drastic – I’m not giving up meat or fat or beer, and I think I wouldn’t survive the exercise bit if not for my post-gym, pre-shower cigarette. Haha. But anyway, I’m getting a little side tracked. Keep reading →

February 11th, 2011

Milk Boule

I’ve been in a little bit of a cooking-rut. I’m not entirely sure how it started or when exactly this happened, but for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been starting to feel like I lost my kitchen-mojo. The first instance I remember was when I left a rib of beef in the SVS for a few hours too long (borne out of my paranoia of oversleeping and not plonking the meat into the water oven early enough for dinner), and, although it remained very much edible, the texture was just a little bit off. Kind of like a cross between pastrami and roast beef (and I don’t mean that in a good way). Keep reading →

February 7th, 2011

My Amazon aStore

Hello boys and girls! This is just a quick note to let you guys know that I’ve recently created an Amazon Associates Store.

Nothing much to fuss about – friends of mine (and, every once in a while, a lovely commenter here too!) often ask me to recommend books and various kitchen gadgetry, so I thought it might be useful to have a list of all the things I love in one place for your perusal. Keep reading →

February 2nd, 2011

Ushering the Year of the Rabbit In

It’s a bit of a joke, how much I adore gai yuen gwat, or chicken cartilage. I was first introduced to it as a dish in its own right at a little yakitori joint here in Hong Kong, almost three years ago. Tasty, crunchy, salty, crispy delicious nuggets, lined up on a pretty little stick, roasted to perfection over a charcoal fire.

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January 31st, 2011

Nasi Lemak

That’s right, boys and girls, I finally did it. I brought nasi lemak to Hong Kong. (Or, to my flat anyway.) Keep reading →