Entries Tagged as 'Eating In'

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Salmon Mi-Cuit Donburi

After the last month or two of stops and starts, it seems like summer is finally upon us in all its full and blazing (and intermittently armageddon-y) glory. And I don’t know how many of you are lucky enough to have air-conditioned kitchens, but my kitchen has this horrendous habit of amplifying the weather outside; […]

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

Sourdough Hot Cross Buns

Yeah okay okay I know I’m obsessed and this is boring and you lot didn’t sign up for a sourdough bread blog and I’M SORRY I WASN’T INTENDING TO but but but Easter is just around the corner and apparently I have posted a HCB recipe before but I don’t even recognise myself because what […]

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Quicker than Quickbread: Irish Soda Farls

I have this weird habit. Okay, I have many, but there’s this one food/recipe related one in particular. Far more often than I’d like to admit, I get inexplicably obsessed with some random dish that I’ve never eaten or made before. It generally arises from something as inconsequential as a passing reference in a book […]

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Glutenous Sesame Boules

You guys. I had these grand plans to finally tackle making tang yuan for Yuan Xiao Jie this Chinese New Year. Today is the Spring Lantern Festival, which marks the 15th and final day of the Lunar New Year celebrations, and is often associated with paper lanterns, solving riddles, and glutinous rice dumplings. L loves […]

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

CNY x Charcuterie (Cantonese Edit)

Although you guys have only been privy to the first year this happened – this now marks the fourth year in a row that I’ve managed to make something a little seasonal and festive for the Chinese New Year. It started back in 2014 when I found out, to my horror, that plenty of my […]