Entries Tagged as 'Recipes: Baked Goods'

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

One A Penny, Two A Penny

For the past year, there’s been one thing in particular that my bunny has been begging me to make. Ever since last Easter, she’s been pleading with me indefatigably to make her hot cross buns. All of us have one of those dishes – something that transports you back to your childhood; which reminds you […]

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Nuggets of Heaven

When I throw dinner parties, people seldom request for particular dishes. I’m virtually incapable of making any decisions, which means that while I can most likely put together any recipe that makes sense, make variations on traditional recipes, or come up with my own, I normally end up with a ridiculously long list of possible […]

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008

Morning Cuppa

While the bunny was working for a couple of years in Tokyo, she drank so much coffee (and got so stressed out) that it gave her a gastric ulcer. As a result, she no longer can drink coffee on a regular basis. That hasn’t stopped her from absolutely loving the taste of it, and whenever […]

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Red Velvet

That is, the cupcakes. Red Velvet Cakes have rather befuddled me for quite a while now – try as I might, I can’t really seem to find a satisfactory explanation as to why one would want such unnaturally coloured food! According to wikipedia (every student’s favourite source), the red colour first came about as a […]

Friday, September 21st, 2007


I love scones. I mean, who doesn’t right? (Okay, I can think of one person who doesn’t. But nevermind.) I stumbled upon some (Australian style) clotted cream in the supermarket a couple of days ago, and while I’ve since been told that it’s easily available at Cold Storage Jelita, I got super excited, bought a […]