Saturday, April 28th, 2007...8:16 pm

Wondering Aloud

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Do more people prefer to hang their toilet rolls over or under? (Pictures taken from this funny post.) Also, I found a couple of polls here and here, which I find quite amusing, and also comforting – in that I’m not the only person thinking about this.

Next, does everyone FOLD their toilet paper into a square/rectangle/some other quadrilateral, or do you just scrunch the lot up before you er wipe?

In case anyone was interested to know – and also so you don’t feel so self conscious about answering – I’m an over-roller, and I fold. My rectangle’s usually either half or two thirds the size of a normal square of toilet paper.

Haha. I should probably get back to work. Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you.

Edit: HAHA apparently there are plenty of toilet posts around the world of the intarweb. This guy did a survey on how people WIPE. Hilarious. Front to back, back to front, wetting the toilet paper, sitting, standing, squatting, half-half. MAN.


  • over. scrunched. you’re weird no. haha.

  • HAH. and you should be studying.

  • over!

    doesn’t that just seem more logical? haha

  • you never answer the folded/scrunched/standing-or-sitting part. haha. and yes i also say its more logical. looks nicer too. i POUNCED on bunny once when she was loading it under and gave her a 5 minute lecture on how it should always be done OVER. ALWAYS.

  • hahah. i fold!

  • Of course over. Scrunched (like wads and wads of tree-killing joy). Sitting.

  • sigh you tree killer. belle and i will join hands in the war against you tree killers. plus… folding feels nicer. :D

  • over. folder. and the rectangle’s about 2/3-whole of it.

    and i use way too many rectangles each time….

  • haha. i used to be super OCD and have this thing against having the ends of the long strip of toilet paper squares on the “outside” of the final rectangle. so i’d fold it like a book so both ends were well tucked inside.

    why am i letting all of you into the world of my toilet-neuroses.

  • The only reason I don’t fold is because I have a psychological disorder where I can’t be anywhere near a toilet or poo for long (seriously) so I scrunch to save time. It’s an ILLNESS I tell you…my heart bleeds for the trees. Just not as much as it bleeds for the POOOOO.

  • ya i always start folding the moment i sit down. hahaha. ADVANCE PREPARATION IS KEY.

  • yes i agree! i always start early. when i was younger i’d fold a few and hold on to them. decided to be less anal. pun unintended.

  • HAHA. depending on the ahem situation, i might prepare a few in advance. :D but normally i’m also not so er anal.