Entries Tagged as 'Eating In'

Friday, September 14th, 2007

Comfort Food

As you can see from the picture, mine’s french toast. When I was a kid, I used to badger my mom into making french toast for me every weekend – to the point that my poor brother started refusing to eat it. Soft pillow-y bread, soaked in a milky egg wash, fried to crisp perfection […]

Monday, September 10th, 2007

The End of an Era

I’m starting work soon, and as such I doubt there’ll be very much going on here. No, I’m not killing my blog off, but just warning you all of the changes to come. The main reason why I’m so sad about work starting is that I doubt I’ll have the time (nor inclination) to entertain […]

Thursday, August 30th, 2007

Salad Night

This just goes to show that salad night isn’t necessarily a healthy event. From someone who grew up loathing salad bars (and, for that matter, vegetables in general like most children), this is indeed a welcome revelation. Following a recipe for a caesar salad dressing from Shawn Armstrong’s Seafood: Recipes from The Cliff, and a […]

Monday, August 27th, 2007

Muffiny Buns

The one awesome thing I took away from my brief trip to Vietnam was a renewed love for bread. On most occasions, I categorically disagree with the saying “man cannot live by bread alone”. (Supposing my bread is filled with a variety of sausages, bacon, eggs, and spreads, of course.) Bread’s also something I love […]

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

Cold Hot Chocolate

I love hot chocolate. I don’t really know anyone who doesn’t – save my anti-chocolate girlfriend. Though the one chocolatey thing she has been known to drink is, of course, the abovementioned drink. Now, I’m flying off in a couple of hours to Hong Kong, and will be heading on to Vietnam after for a […]