Entries Tagged as 'Eating In'

Saturday, November 10th, 2007


I love eggs. No, seriously, I love eggs. You know how you always have one retarded friend who’d take it upon themselves to inflict misery on you by forcing you to imagine what it would be like to only have one thing in the world that you could eat for the rest of your life? […]

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Red Velvet

That is, the cupcakes. Red Velvet Cakes have rather befuddled me for quite a while now – try as I might, I can’t really seem to find a satisfactory explanation as to why one would want such unnaturally coloured food! According to wikipedia (every student’s favourite source), the red colour first came about as a […]

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007


I like donuts. I’m not one of those who will queue for three hours, nor someone who insists that friends studying/working in cities like London or Sydney must buy me Krispy Kremes whenever they come back on summer/winter break. (I only requested for Krispy Kremes once!) But I do like donuts. And I don’t understand […]

Friday, September 21st, 2007


I love scones. I mean, who doesn’t right? (Okay, I can think of one person who doesn’t. But nevermind.) I stumbled upon some (Australian style) clotted cream in the supermarket a couple of days ago, and while I’ve since been told that it’s easily available at Cold Storage Jelita, I got super excited, bought a […]

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007


It’s like I’m rabidly cooking and writing posts with the burning fever of someone whose life may end at any moment. Already, I’ve been told that I’m behaving like I’m going to prison (or going to die) instead of starting work. Well, “seize the day” has always been a governing principle in how I live […]