
Hi, I’m Rachel. I also go by @dubdew on twitter and instagram. I don’t really use my flickr account much anymore, but – if you’re curious – you can still see some of my older stuff there. For the non-food stuff that’s caught my interest, you should head over to my tumblr, obsessive compulsive linking.
About This Site
w&d is powered by WordPress (v4.7.3 and counting), and hosted by Powweb. The current design is heavily based on Press Row by Chris Pearson, and all the images used in the headers were shot on film in and around Hong Kong, by me. All the photos on this site, unless otherwise specified, were taken by me.
I work primarily on a Mac Mini. I got really into photography in my late teens, and I’m a mostly Canon girl. Most of the shots on this site were taken with my 1Ds Mark III. I do occasionally drag my old (and still very much beloved) 30D out, now and then. I prefer prime lenses (I have the EF 50mm f/1.2 L USM and the EF 100mm f/2.8 macro USM), but I also love my EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L USM to bits. I own a 580EX II Speedlight and a reflector, but I favour working with natural light. All of the lenses and flashes can be used interchangeably between those two and my EOS 1V film body. In a recent bid to actually post more frequently though, I’m now using loads of photos taken with my iPhone (currently the 6S) and edited in Snapseed or Instagram.
I also love hearing from my readers, but you lot seem to be pretty shy, so if you’d like to get in touch and want to avoid the public comments, please send a note to emiao@dubdew.com. All sorts of emails are welcome. I try my best to read and reply to every single email, even if it takes me a little while.
All Rights Reserved © 2017
All images, text and content found on this site are property of dubdew.com. Any persons and/or entities seeking to use any text or images found on this site should contact me for my permission. No content is to be replicated whether in its original or modified form unless permission has been expressly granted in writing.