Friday, October 9th, 2009...12:29 am

Happy birthday, grownup! I guess now that you’ve crossed this threshold, I really don’t get to call you siew pang yao anymore, eh?

It took me a while to figure out how to write what I wanted to say here, but I think I’m just gonna go with the pictures. Suffice to say that these are some of the best memories I’ve got of Hong Kong, to date, and probably will be in the Top 10 no matter how long I end up here. And I’ve got you to thank for them. So thank you, for letting me claim that chair on your balcony, for coming with me to hunt down my elusive, unreachable park-in-the-middle-of-a-flyover, for scarfing down scones (and everything else I’ve put on a plate in front of you) until you felt so ill (and really boosting my ego there haha), for the neverending drives, for being in Hong Kong. :)

So here’s wishing you a delightful birthday! I hope it’ll end up being one of your plusplusplus-es. It pisses me off that this is the first time I’ve been able to wish you happy birthday (and I’m not even there in person), but it’s okay, ‘cos I know I’ll be around for the next gazillion. Gettin’ rid of me ain’t as easy as leaving the Kong!
PS: Someone else misses you too.

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