Thursday, January 8th, 2009...2:53 pm
I Have An Excuse

for my lack of proper recipes/food-bloggery-updates of late. And it’s a cute one. And I do have some half-written posts in the pipeline, but I’m a little distracted. Our family of two just got upgraded to a family of three, and we officially are parents to the diva-est, manja siamese kitten on the face of the earth. Sadly, the young master is also a little on the scrawny and weedy side, and as nurse duties have fallen to yours truly, I reckon I won’t be cooking anything blog-worthy (besides maybe food for the cat) for a bit. So anyway stick around – I’ll pepper this site with more pictures of the sweetheart anyway to keep your interest piqued :P
January 8th, 2009 at 4:45 pm
Yes, please! I love cats as much as food! And I tune into your blog daily to check out new entries. =)
January 12th, 2009 at 3:29 pm
Oh how adorable! I too am a cat lover in addition to being a food lover…more cat pics please!