Thursday, December 27th, 2007...12:08 am

Season’s Greetings

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Another Christmas Fixture

Hello, it’s the bunny. Since w. is so busy at work and doesn’t have energy to post here, I thought I would fill in for a bit.

It’s that time of the year again when one must reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the new one. (w made a resolution about 5 years ago never to make another resolution and that’s the only one she’s ever kept.)

This year, I will not be so stupid as to resolve to go to the gym – I now know that I will never keep that. I also will not resolve to eat less, or eat more healthily as that too will quickly fly out the window. Instead, I resolve to spend less money (should be easy now that there really aren’t any gadgets that we don’t own anymore), spend more time with my best friend who is back from the States, and ignore my relatives’ incessant nagging (especially at Chinese New Year).

Hopefully, these will be easily achievable.

A lot has happened this year which I won’t go into in detail. Needless to say, I’m glad that I have w. with me, and that we celebrated our 2nd anniversary this year. Please don’t ask us when the wedding is going to be. (w says: ask your friendly neighbourhood grassroots leader.)

So here’s wishing everybody a happy new year, and may all your wishes come true in the coming year.

PS: For those in the banking industry, you know there’ll be no bonus, so none of us can help you there.

PPS: Sorry there’s no food today. Is all expanding in my tummy. Ugh. Is so full.