Sunday, September 16th, 2007...2:23 pm
Quick Birthday Plug

Yes, my birthday’s coming (again, I know – it seems like I was just shamelessly begging for presents yesterday!) soon, in 9 days to be exact. Oh shit that reminds me, it’s my ex’s birthday today. Okay getting sidetracked. Anyhoo, I’m not allowed to ask for anymore cookbooks (because I already just got one from smiao – though that was fairly self-serving, but hey I’M NOT COMPLAINING thankyouverymuchsmiao, lovement!) so I really don’t know what to ask for! I also have too many teeshirts (booooo) and my kitchen has no more space for gadgets. Actually, even if it did have space left, I don’t know what else I would get since I’m pretty much kitted out to open a boutique restaurant already. Maybe an ice cream cone maker. Hrm. Okay no one’s allowed to tell bunny I said that.
Anyway. The one thing that’s available is my flickr pro account. I generally like reserving this for my friends who are overseas since….. it makes sense, but since I (for once) don’t have a ridiculously long list of things I’m coveting roundabout mid/end September, that’s up for grabs. I was actually contemplating not renewing it since I don’t think I’ll be shooting as much, but I want to keep all my photos archived properly.
OH I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! My favourite boy who was so freaking sweet as to think of getting me Guitar Hero 3 has since discovered the joys of Rock Band and its kickass soundtrack. However, that’s going to be priced at about US$200 which is a ridiculous amount of money for A) a video game (although it does come with all the controllers!!!) and B) for one person to spend on me, so I’m going to share it with him. Yes, as a (belated) birthday present for myself. If anyone wants to pitch in and share it with us, let me know, or give him a ring, or ask me for his email address. Oh I should mention I’m talking about Jon. Not that I have any other favourite boys. :)
Ummmmm. Okay that’s it. Stick around, maybe I’ll think of something else.
September 19th, 2007 at 11:53 am
i’m gonna try asking for a pro flickr account when mine comes, usually i’ll ask for a bunch of slide film.
September 19th, 2007 at 6:17 pm
Oh, its my bday that coincides with your ex. And by and by, my ex’s bday is on the 15th. crappy aint it?
September 21st, 2007 at 10:55 pm
jon: yes you should! i just got mine. (i think.) haha. or rather i just got mine renewed. yay!
watts: oooer. yes that kinda sucks. haha.