Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007...11:09 am

Hello & Goodbye

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I’m back in Singapore, thanks to some changes in my travel itinerary. The photos from Hong Kong are all up on flickr, and I’ll get cracking on the Vietnam ones shortly.

Anyway, this post is really just to direct your attention to a new subsidiary of w&d – obsessive compulsive linking. You can read the explanation there. Hooray for tumblelogs, and I hope I keep at that one long enough this time.

So no, I’m not going anywhere. My asides, however, have been booted over to the new space. I’m in the process of tailoring this space to a more food-related site (as I’m sure most of you can see), and it’s high time I got those buggers their own crib. Alrighty-ho, I need to finish the two books I was reading! And make random noises at the wikipikicat.

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